Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU) is one of the largest higher educational establishments in Chernivtsi. It is a fully governmental multistructural educational institution of the highest level of accreditation providing educational programmes of different levels. BSMU included into the general register of the WHO, Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy), European University Association (EUA), Association of the Carpathian Region Universities.
Fee Structure |
Yearly Expenses
Tuition Fee | Hostel Fee | Health Insurance | Visa Extension | Food Cost |
US$ 3900/Year | US$ 500/Year | US$ 200/Year | N/A | US$ 1200/Year |
Yearly Expense = US$ 5750 (₹ 4,32,500/-)
One-time expenses at the time of the admission
Medical Test | Documentation | Management Fee | Visa Fee | Travel Assistance |
US$ 100 | US$ 300 | US$ 1900 | US$ 500 | US$ 100 |
One Time Expense = US$ 2900 (₹ 2,17,500/-)
Processing fee 2.5 lac INR which includes :
1. Generation of admission from university.
2. Visa stamping in Delhi.
3. Does translation and attestation from ministry.
4. Visa extension for one year.
5. Air ticket.
6. Airport assistance, breakfast, immigration clearance.
7. Medical checkup.
8. Police registration.
9. Local guardianship & mentoring throughout education.